Bringing it all back home

Bringing It All Back Home is a research study of great perseverance and keen observation of the lives of girls who were reunited with their families after having been trafficked for sex work. The uniqueness of this study lies in what it doesn’t study as much as it lies in what it does. While reviewing literature on trafficking and women a lot was found on the incidence of trafficking, the trafficking experience and anti-trafficking efforts; but very little information in terms of an in-depth and holistic understanding of experiences of survivors of trafficking who are reunited with their families was found. This study fills this gap in knowledge by beginning the study from the point where the survivors are back in their families and communities post rescue from sex work. There is very little, if any, mention of their sex work experience in this study. Instead, what the reader will find is an almost exclusive focus on life post reunification. This research looks at the following key aspects:rna)Societal reactions to the survivor’s return and her own efforts towards dealing with those with a view to fitting back into the role/s of a daughter/ sister/ mother/ wife/ friend/ colleague etc.rnb)The physical and mental health status of the survivor as per her own account, validated by a critical medical study, and an analysis of the implications of such conditions.rnc)A policy-praxis analysis, layered through the lens of policy makers and duty bearers responsible for the protection and empowerment of survivors, critically examining the availability and accessibility of services.