Stigma Watch

Stigma Watch is a psycho-social study designed and undertaken by Sanjog to explore the understanding and experiences of stigma that survivors of sex-trafficking confront and report. The study aimed to identify and understand the different types and levels of stigma as it is felt by the survivors from within and from external stakeholders with an aim to design more appropriate and effective reintegration plans. The specific questions that the study asks are:rn 1.What are the levels of the various kinds of stigma – enacted, perceived, and internalized- amongst survivors? What are the implications therein?rn 2.What is the impact of stigma on the survivors? How does it presently impact their life chances?rn 3.Who are the significant stigmatizers?rn 4.What are the existent significant coping mechanisms? What are the implications therein?rnMixed methods of study ( a combination of qualitative u0026 quantitative study methodologies) with the main aim of exploring the extent of stigma and identifying the stigmatizers in the lives of survivors of sex trafficking living in 16 blocks of North 24 Parganas in West Bengal, were used. The goal of this research is to develop an anti-stigma intervention enabling survivors to manage the intensity of different types stigma that they experience. The anti-stigma intervention is also expected to enable survivors while they negotiate social interactions in the most positive manner to reduce the intensity of harmful stigmatizers in their ecosystem (family, community and institutions).